- Create new Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server databases.
- Repair and compact Access databases.
- Integrated workspace interface.
- Database level management, create, edit and delete tables and views.
- Paginated data viewer, with automatic primary key detection and field based data sorting.
- Granular (field atomic) data edition, with support for null and unspecified values.
- Table structure viewer and editor.
- SQL command line system.
- Active data filters.
- Multi format table exports (CSV/Excel, MS Word, Transact-SQL™ for Microsoft SQL Server, HTML...).
- I18N: Unicode/UTF-8 with additional support for right to left languages.
- Authentication. Additional security through IP login latency barriers.
CUTE is a on-line, web interface based database editor, intended mainly for Microsoft® Access™ database management, with some additional ODBC capabilities, that extends Tom Wellige's UTE (Universal Table Editor).
Wrote entirely in ASP/VBScript, CUTE uses ADO for database management with DAO for some database definition issues, and has been successfully tested in the following databases (which can be managed simultaneously with CUTE):
- Microsoft® SQL Server™.
- Microsoft® Access™.

The in-code specification of UTE has been modified and translated to a preference file that allows common operations, like workspace specification, edit the authentication identifier, etc...
Translated to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, CUTE uses browser identification tags for automatic language selection. So if your OS locale is in your language, CUTE automatically appears in your language.
CUTE, acronym of Cooled UTE, is distributed with a GPL license, no more, no less.
Note: if you're searching a completely offline, little, pure SQL, command line alternative, to create/manage MS Access databases, I suggest youaccess (youaccess v1.1 is included in CUTE v4.43).