Feeding CUTE

First of all I want to extend my most special thanks for their contributions to the project to (in no special order):

  • Tom Wellige. The original author of UTE, the fantastic core of this software, and widely responsible of the German translation.
  • Ian Mayo, his financial contribution and wise suggestions about MS Word exporting feature gave quite a push to CUTE development.
  • Filippo Polese and Marco de Sortis, for completing the Italian translation.
  • Ian Turner, for his financial contribution.
  • Mr. Google Translate (non human, robot web app), for his help with automatic translation of terms.

Secondly I would like to declare that the project remains waiting for a reanimation since March 2013, at this date Google AdSense blocked this site and closed the main source of income for this site alleging the fact of claiming for your donations or clicks. I could say a lot of things about Google, the company that pays nothing for including their ads in your page, only when a user clicks on them, a good business, like those mythical business of all time that used to use the cracks in the rocks. But I prefer to say only one: the wolf lies in the grandmother's bed. Well, another one: don't search for SkyNet, simply find Google (at least March 2013 was like a container of the Judgment Day for this project ads)...

You can be the next to continue to feed the project!

There are currently many goals of the project that can be achieved via sourceforge's CUTE project donation page, or even directly, via PayPal payment method to my e-mail address, ignacio_javier_igjav@yahoo.com.

I've put here a list with the things I consider current major pending features. Just below them there is an estimation of the amount for each feature release. Take into account that these are not costs for your program, these are the global costs for making that feature free, gratis for everybody, so this way your e-food feeds yourself and the rest of users, giving as result for the community a really low cost per user and feature implemented:

Export table data in SQL Server's SQL data format
Export table data in MySQL's SQL data format
40 €
Export table data to CSV/Excel with binary fields included (C escapes format)
50 €
Include full SQL Server database listings
75 €
CSV table data imports
85 €
GUI interface for preferences file edition
95 €
Quick filters (filter by clicking in cell contents)
95 €
Online file management: upload/download/copy/delete MS Access databases
135 €
Editable grid
330 €


sponsor sample view

Each donation made over 80 € (except for previous feature request list items) grants you the possibility of having your own logo, with a link to your site1, placed at the CUTE application login screen, so you will increase with time chances to add visitors to your site through this method. Simply submit me a link to your website and your logo 2 via e-mail.

  1. 1Offensive, violent or illicit content voids the grant. Moral or ideological content could void the grant.
  2. 2 Maximum dimensions for logo, 190 pixels width, 70 pixels height, or will be clipped/scaled to fit this space.

Aided installation... or let me do the installation of CUTE for you

A donation over 50 € grants you an aided or a complete installation, simply contact me via e-mail for that purpose to talk about server (ftp access, file upload) configuration details.

...or introduce your own new feature proposal:

(Too weird, even outrageous perhaps?: try a regeneration)
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