Bienvenido al sitio de software libre de CUTE, editor de bases de datos para MS Access y SQL Server. Este proyecto necesita reanimación desde Marzo de 2013.


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How to alter tables preserving default values. A trick

In certain cases I've observed that DEFAULT and NOT NULL values for columns seem sticky to a certain table, you cannot get ride of them when altering a field's definition using ALTER TABLE + ALTER COLUMN, that is the procedure used internally in CUTE's GUI.

This is a certainly direct trick I've found this issue. Is really reconstruct the field, no more, no less. But it is. Use the SQL editor in table mode following this SQL sequence:

    ALTER TABLE [the_table_in_question] ADD tmp_column new_column_type
    UPDATE [the_table_in_question] SET tmp_column = the_column_I_wanna_change
    ALTER TABLE [the_table_in_question] DROP COLUMN the_column_I_wanna_change
    ALTER TABLE [the_table_in_question] ADD the_column_I_wanna_change new_column_type
    UPDATE [the_table_in_question] SET the_column_I_wanna_change = tmp_column
    ALTER TABLE [the_table_in_question] DROP COLUMN tmp_column

Simply substitute in the previous sequence of SQL commands

  • the_table_in_question for the name of your table.
  • the_column_I_wanna_change for the name of your column.
  • new_column_type for the new type you want for that column.

Take into consideration that if the table is altered during the above sequence things can turn a little problematic.


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(Too weird, even outrageous perhaps?: try a regeneration)
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