<% ' vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab:encoding=utf-8 '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Project: CUTE - Cooled (U)niversal ASP (T)able (E)ditor ' ' Module: UTE Language Specific Definitions - English ' ' Version: 4.42 ' ' Comments: by Tom Wellige and Ignacio Javier "igjav" ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' (c) in 2000-2003 by Tom Wellige ' http://www.wellige.com mailto:tom@wellige.com ' ' (c) in 2007-2012 by Ignacio Javier 'igjav' ' http://www.iamnotgoogle.com mailto:ignacio.javier.igjav@gmail.com' ' ' This project is released under the "GNU General Public License (GPL)" ' http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ' ' and is maintained on SourceForge at ' http://sourceforge.net/projects/ute-asp/ ' ' and can also be found on CodeProject at ' http://www.codeproject.com/asp/ute.asp ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' IMPORTANT NOTE for translators: these are HTML strings, so use the following table for replacing the following characters inside string values for Const: ' & -> & (literal & only) ' < -> < ' > -> > ' ' -> ' (IE needs numerical, does not recognize ') ' " -> " (double quotes are sometimes put between quotes as "" to escape them, you can change them to a single ") Session.LCID = &h0409 ' English (United States) 'Session.LCID = &h0809 ' English (United Kingdom) 'Session.LCID = &h0c09 ' English (Australian) 'Session.LCID = &h1009 ' English (Canadian) 'Session.LCID = &h1409 ' English (New Zealand) 'Session.LCID = &h1809 ' English (Ireland) 'Session.LCID = &h1c09 ' English (South Africa) 'Session.LCID = &h2009 ' English (Jamaica) 'Session.LCID = &h2409 ' English (Caribbean) 'Session.LCID = &h2809 ' English (Belize) 'Session.LCID = &h2c09 ' English (Trinidad) 'Session.LCID = &h3009 ' English (Zimbabwe) 'Session.LCID = &h3409 ' English (Philippines) ' ---- Application ---- STR_SORT_ASC = "Sort ascending" STR_SORT_DESC = "Sort descending" STR_DATABASE = "Database" STR_DB_TITLE = "%1" STR_INSERT = "Insert record" STR_EDIT = "Edit record" STR_DELETE = "Delete record" STR_DEF_FILTER = "Define filter" STR_NUM_FILTER = "Number of filters:" STR_NON_VIEW = "External data" STR_OK = "Save and exit" STR_SAVE = "Save" STR_CANCEL = "Exit" STR_CLEAR = "Clear" STR_RECORD_INFO = "%1 of %2 entries" STR_RECORD_NAV_INFO = "Entry set navigation:" STR_VALUE_SPECIFIED = "Specified" STR_VALUE_UNSPECIFIED = "Unspecified" STR_PAGES = "Page:" STR_NEXT_PAGE = "Switch to next page" STR_PREV_PAGE = "Switch previous page" STR_REC_COUNT = "Records per Page:" STR_ALL = "All" STR_RECORDS = "Display Record %1 - %2 of %3 records" STR_POWERED_BY = "Powered by %1 %2" STR_FILTER = "Define Filter" STR_LIST_TABLES = "List of tables in database" STR_LIST_OBJ_DB = "Database view" STR_EXPORT = "Save as CSV (Excel) file" STR_EXPORT_W = "Save as MS Word file" STR_EXPORT_H = "Save as HTML file" STR_EXPORT_MSSQL = "SQL for Microsoft SQL Server (T-SQL)" STR_MORE_EXPORT_FORMATS = "More export formats:" STR_DEF_SHOW = "Show field definitions" STR_DEF_HIDE = "Hide field definitions" STR_SQL_SHOW = "Show/edit current SQL statement" STR_SQL_HIDE = "Hide current SQL statement" STR_DEF_NAME = "Name" STR_DEF_TYPE = "Type" STR_DEF_DEFINEDSIZE = "Defined size" STR_DEF_PRECISION = "Precision" STR_DEF_ATTRIBUTES = "Attributes" STR_LOGIN_MSG = "User identifier:" STR_LOGIN_BTN = "Login" STR_LOGOUT_BTN = "Logout" STR_LOGIN_CUTE = "CUTE, cooled UTE..." STR_WORKSPACE = "Workspace" STR_NEW_DATABASE = "New database" STR_DATABASE_PATH = "Database path" STR_DATABASE_CONNECTION = "SQL Server host" STR_DATABASE_CONNECTION_DB = "Main database" STR_DATABASE_CONNECTION_USER = "User" STR_DATABASE_CONNECTION_PASS = "Password" STR_EN_DBLOCATION = "Inside: " STR_PLEASE_INPUT_DATABASE_NAME = "Please, type a name for the new database" ' Important: use \' or \' for single quote here, not ', since it is a javascript message STR_PLEASE_SELECT_DATABASE_PATH = "Please, select a path for the new database" ' Important: use \' or \' for single quote here, not ', since it is a javascript message STR_PLEASE_SELECT_MSSQL_HOST = "Please, select a host for SQL Server connections" ' Important: use \' or \' for single quote here, not ', since it is a javascript message STR_NEW_DATABASE_DO = "Save database" STR_NEW_DATABASE_FILENAME = "Database name:" ' this property is database name, not filename STR_SELECT_LOCALE_COLLATION = "Collation:" STR_WORKSPACE_REQUEST_ERROR_MSG = "Some error ocurred processing a workspace request: " STR_CREATEDB_NO_DAO = "Unable to instantiate DAO, that is required for jet database functionality" STR_CREATEDB_DB_EXISTS = "The concrete database exists already" STR_CREATEDB_INVALID_DBNAME = "The database name specified is not valid" STR_CREATEDB_INVALID_REQUEST = "The request is not adequate" STR_CREATEDB_PATH_PROBLEMS = "There are some problems with the specified path for the new database" STR_CREATEDB_EMPTY_CONNSTR = "A host must be specified in order to stablish a connection to add new SQL Server databases" STR_CREATEDB_SQLSERVER_PROBLEMS = "Problem found when trying to add a new SQL Server database" STR_CREATEDB_SQLSERVER_NOPREF = "Database with name %1 was created in server %2, but for some reason was not possible to save it in CUTE preferences file for persistence of access. Verify preference cute_preference_dsnconnections exists and was not commented, or access permissions" ' do not use html entities here!!! STR_COMPACT_REPAIR_DB = "Repair and compact database" STR_COMPACT_REPAIR_DB_CONFIRM = "A backup copy of current database will be made, given the fact that the repair/compacting process hasn\'t failure detection, can last a long time, or even not to get done, depending on database size and server script timeout, but uses to run correctly!" ' Important: use \' or \' for single quote here, not ', since it is a javascript message STR_COMPACTNDB_DB_NOT_EXISTS = "Database not found!" STR_ERROR_READING_PREFERENCES = "Error reading preferences:" STR_JUMPIN_PAGE = "Jump to page" STR_1ST_PAGE = "1st page" STR_LAST_PAGE = "Last page" STR_EMERGENCY_PASSWD = "CRITICAL!: preference passwd unset, so please set it as soon as you can adding a line: cute_preference_passwd=yourpasswd in preferences file (cute_preferences.ida). In the meanwhile, access is blocked." STR_FOLDERMDB_NOTVALID = "MDB or folder specified is not valid, check for its existence or make sure it has enough read/write permissions for the web server user: " STR_TOGGLE_WORKSPACE_VIEW = "+/- (switch workspace view)" STR_BTN_SQLEDIT = "Edit" STR_BTN_SQLEXEC = "Exec" STR_BTN_SQLDISCARDEDIT = "Cancel" STR_TRUNCATED_VALUE = "...(truncated value, double click to see the full content)" STR_NO_NEWDB_LOCATION_FOUND = "Error: no location specified for new database storage" STR_SELECT_TEMPLATE_MSG = "SQL templates: " STR_FIRST_TIME = "First time?" STR_SQL_CREATE_TABLE = "Create a new table" STR_SQL_MODIFY_TABLE = "Modify a table's definition" STR_SQL_DELETE_TABLE = "Delete a table" STR_SQL_CREATE_TABLE_IDX = "Create a table index" STR_SQL_DELETE_TABLE_IDX = "Delete a table index" STR_SQL_SELECT = "Select data" STR_SQL_INSERT = "Insert a new entry" STR_SQL_UPDATE = "Modify entries" STR_SQL_DELETE = "Delete entries" STR_SQL_SELECT_GROUP = "Select by grouping criteria" STR_SQL_SELECT_INNER = "Select with inner join" STR_SQL_SELECT_LEFT = "Select with left join" STR_SQL_SELECT_RIGHT = "Select with right join" STR_SQL_STATEMENTS = "Basic statements" STR_SQL_ADV_STATEMENTS = "Advanced statements" STR_NO_NAVIGABLE_RS = "No navigable recordset" STR_SQL_DATA_DEFINITION = "Data definition" STR_NO_JAVASCRIPT_WARN = "Javascript is disabled: CUTE could lack some of its available features, or its behavior could be unexpected" STR_REFRESH_BTN = "Refresh table view" STR_SELECT_HISTORY_MSG = "SQL history: " ' ---- Error messages when reading preference values ---- ERR_READING_PREF_MAX_MEMO_DISPLAY_LEN = "Error reading preference MAX_MEMO_DISPLAY_LEN, value should be numeric and integer" ERR_READING_PREF_MAX_HISTORY_ITEMS = "Error reading preference maxhistoryitems, value should be numeric and integer" ERR_READING_PREF_VIEW_ALL_ENABLED = "Error reading preference viewallenabled, value should be 0 to disable or 1 to enable" ' Table messages (database mode) ' ------------------------------- STR_PLEASE_INPUT_TABLE_NAME = "Please input a name for the new table" ' Important: use \' or \' for single quote here, not ', since it is a javascript message STR_NEW_TABLE = "New table:" STR_NEW_TABLE_NAME = "Table name:" STR_NEW_TABLE_DO = "Create table" STR_DELETE_TABLE_CONFIRM = "Are you sure you want to delete this table?" STR_DELETE_TABLE_BTN = "Delete table" STR_EDIT_TABLE_BTN = "Edit table" STR_NEW_FIELDS_DEF = "Field definitions (SQL):" STR_NEW_FIELDS_DEF_HELP = "Separate different fields (table columns) using commas, f.e: msg_id INTEGER, content TEXT, user VARCHAR(8)" STR_PLEASE_INPUT_TABLE_BASE_DEF = "Please, input some fields for the table\'s basic structure" ' Important: use \' or \' for single quote here, not ', since it is a javascript message STR_NEW_TABLE_CUSTOM_SQL_DO = "Execute SQL" STR_NEW_TABLE_CUSTOM_SQL = "Custom SQL:" STR_SUCCESS_CUSTOM_TABLE_SQL_EXEC = "Custom SQL succesfully executed:" STR_CUSTOM_SQL_EXAMPLE_1 = "Example (MS Jet SQL syntax): " STR_CUSTOM_SQL_EXAMPLE_2 = "Example (T-SQL syntax): " STR_DATABASE_MY_VIEWS = "Views" STR_DATABASE_MY_TABLES = "Tables" STR_MDB_CREATED = "Created" STR_MDB_MODIFIED = "Modified" STR_MDB_ACCESSED = "Accessed" STR_DATABASE_INFO = "Generic database information (ADO version, drivers, etc...)" STR_MDB_CREATED_TODAY = "Created today" STR_MDB_CREATED_YESTERDAY = "Created yesterday" STR_MDB_CREATED_D_AGO = "Created % days ago" STR_MDB_CREATED_M_AGO = "Created % months ago" STR_MDB_CREATED_Y_AGO = "Created more than a year ago" STR_MDB_MODIFIED_TODAY = "modified today" STR_MDB_MODIFIED_YESTERDAY = "modified yesterday" STR_MDB_MODIFIED_D_AGO = "modified % days ago" STR_MDB_MODIFIED_M_AGO = "modified % months ago" STR_MDB_MODIFIED_Y_AGO = "modified more than a year ago" STR_MDB_ACCESSED_TODAY = "accessed today" STR_MDB_ACCESSED_YESTERDAY = "accessed yesterday" STR_MDB_ACCESSED_D_AGO = "accessed % days ago" STR_MDB_ACCESSED_M_AGO = "accessed % months ago" STR_MDB_ACCESSED_Y_AGO = "accessed more than a year ago" ' Table fields ' ------------ STR_INSERT_FIELD = "Add a new field" STR_DELETE_FIELD = "Drop field" STR_EDIT_FIELD = "Edit field" STR_DELETE_FIELD_CONFIRM = "Are you sure you want to delete this field?" STR_BTN_ADD_FIELD = "Add field" STR_BTN_EDIT_FIELD = "Modify field" STR_FIELD_NAME = "Field name:" STR_FIELD_DEFINITION = "Field definition:" STR_FIELD_DEFINITION_HINT = "Specifiy optional size in parenthesis, e.g: char(128)" STR_ADD_FIELD_CONFIRM = "Add new field definition %1 to table %2?" ' Important: use \' or \' for single quote here, not ', since it is a javascript message STR_ADD_FIELD_ADDNAME_WARN = "Please add a name for the new field" ' Important: use \' or \' for single quote here, not ', since it is a javascript message STR_ADD_FIELD_ADDTYPE_WARN = "Please select a type for the new field" ' Important: use \' or \' for single quote here, not ', since it is a javascript message STR_DEFAULT_VALUE = "Default value:" STR_DEFAULT_VALUE_HANDLING = "Handle default value as:" STR_DEFAULT_VALUE_HANDLING_LITERAL = "Literal value" STR_DEFAULT_VALUE_HANDLING_STRING = "String" STR_INDEXES_LIST = "Table indexes:" FILTER_HINT_1 = "Hint: use wildcard % to find substrings for LIKE, NOT LIKE operators, f.e: micro%, %soft or %croso%" FILTER_HINT_2 = "Hint: use yyyy-mm-dd format (ISO) for dates. This can be useful to prevent from problems with different OS locale and database configurations." STR_LOGIN_BLOCK_WARNING = "For security reasons it has been established a period of latency of %1 seconds before allowing to try to log in again." ' ---- ADO ----- STR_ADO_KEY = "Key" STR_ADO_MAYDEFER = "may defer" STR_ADO_UPDATEABLE = "updatable" STR_ADO_UNKNOWNUPDATEABLE = "unknown updatable" STR_ADO_FIXED = "fixed" STR_ADO_ISNULLABLE = "can be set to NULL" STR_ADO_MAYBENULL = "may be NULL" STR_ADO_LONG = "long" STR_ADO_ROWID = "Row ID" STR_ADO_ROWVERSION = "Row Version" STR_ADO_CACHEDEFERRED = "Cache deferred" STR_ADO_TYPE_EMPTY = "Empty" STR_ADO_TYPE_TINYINT = "TinyInt" STR_ADO_TYPE_SMALLINT = "SmallInt" STR_ADO_TYPE_INTEGER = "Integer" STR_ADO_TYPE_BIGINT = "BigInt" STR_ADO_TYPE_UNSIGNEDTINYINT = "UnsignedTinyInt" STR_ADO_TYPE_UNSIGNEDSMALLINT = "UnsignedSmallInt" STR_ADO_TYPE_UNSIGNEDINT = "UnsignedInt" STR_ADO_TYPE_UNSIGNEDBIGINT = "UnsignedBigInt" STR_ADO_TYPE_SINGLE = "Single" STR_ADO_TYPE_DOUBLE = "Double" STR_ADO_TYPE_CURRENCY = "Currency" STR_ADO_TYPE_DECIMAL = "Decimal" STR_ADO_TYPE_NUMERIC = "Numeric" STR_ADO_TYPE_BOOLEAN = "Boolean" STR_ADO_TYPE_ERROR = "Error" STR_ADO_TYPE_USERDEFINED = "UserDefined" STR_ADO_TYPE_VARIANT = "Variant" STR_ADO_TYPE_IDISPATCH = "IDispatch" STR_ADO_TYPE_IUNKNOWN = "IUnknown" STR_ADO_TYPE_GUID = "GUID" STR_ADO_TYPE_DBDATE = "DBDate" STR_ADO_TYPE_DBTIME = "DBTime" STR_ADO_TYPE_DBTIMESTAMP = "DBTimeStamp" STR_ADO_TYPE_DATE = "Date" STR_ADO_TYPE_BSTR = "BSTR" STR_ADO_TYPE_CHAR = "Char" STR_ADO_TYPE_VARCHAR = "VarChar" STR_ADO_TYPE_LONGVARCHAR = "LongVarChar" STR_ADO_TYPE_WCHAR = "WChar" STR_ADO_TYPE_VARWCHAR = "VarWChar" STR_ADO_TYPE_LONGVARWCHAR = "LongVarWChar" STR_ADO_TYPE_BINARY = "Binary" STR_ADO_TYPE_VARBINARY = "VarBinary" STR_ADO_TYPE_LONGVARBINARY = "LongVarBinary" STR_ADO_TYPE_CHAPTER = "Chapter" STR_ADO_TYPE_PROPVARIANT = "PropVariant" STR_ADO_TYPE_UNKONWN = "Unknown" ' ---- Error Messages ---- STR_ERR_1001 = "Invalid ODBC Connection String" STR_ERR_1002 = "Missing ""%1"" URL parameter." STR_ERR_1003 = "Invalid ""%1"" URL parameter. Must be numeric." STR_ERR_1004 = "Invalid ""%1"" URL parameter. Must be ""1"", ""2"" or ""3""." STR_ERR_1005 = "Invalid ""%1"" URL parameter. Must be either ""%2"" or ""%3""." %>